250g fresh red chillies...新鲜.红辣椒
1/2tsp salt....盐
80g garlic, peeled.....蒜头,去皮
30g young ginger...嫰姜
4 tbsp rice wine....米酒
To do:
1) Wash the red chillies. Slit the chillies to half and remove the seeds.
Dry the chillies in the sun.
2) Roughly grind the dried chillies in a food processor.
Put the grinded chillies in a clean and dry jar.
3) Grind garlic and ginger then gently mix into chillies. Add in salt,
rice wine and mix well. Cover jar lid and leave in a cool place
for 5 days before use.
1) 红辣椒洗, 劫开去籽然后在太阳下晒至干燥.
2) 用食物料理器把辣椒打成粗碎状, 放入干净的玻璃瓶子.
3) 把蒜头和姜也打碎加入辣椒碎, 拌入盐和米酒, 密封放在阴凉处5天即可享用.