
咸煎饼 by星级厨房

放到隔天中午吃,不会变硬ko ko的,还是保持一定的Q度

高筋面粉 125克
普通面粉 175克
即溶酵母 1 + 1/2 小匙
幼糖 65克
苏打粉 1/2小匙
水 160克
盐 1/2小匙
油 2大匙

五香粉 1小匙
盐 1小匙
清水 2小匙
  1. 全部材料打至起筋,滚圆后盖好,发酵60分钟。
  2. 桌面洒粉,将面团杆成大大片。
  3. 将抹料搅拌均匀后,均匀扫在面皮上。
  4. 由上往下卷起,如瑞士卷。
  5. 切片,用手压扁后排在洒粉的盘上。
  6. 发酵20分钟。
  7. 放入热油,慢火炸至金黄色。
  8. 捞起,沥干油,放在厨房纸巾上待凉后享用。

红豆Hum Cheem Paeng by lily wai



600 g flour
312 ml water
225 g sugar
1/2 tsp soda bicarbonate/baking soda
1 tsp ammonia
3 tsp salt
2 tbsp melted margarine
100 g yeast dough

1 tsp five spice powder
sesame seeds
cooking oil

For yeast dough
100 g flour
100 ml water
1/2 tsp yeast


For yeast dough:

Mix 100 g flour with 100 ml water and 1/2 tsp yeast and

mix into a dough. Leave to ferment for two(2) hours.

Mix all the ingredients in A. and knead into a smooth dough.

Roll out the dough 25mm thick.

Rub five spice powder and sprinkle some

water on top of rolled out dough.

Roll the dought to resemble a swiss roll.

Cut it into 12.5 mm thick pieces.

Roll each into a flat round, brush with a little water and

sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Heat cooking oil for deep frying.

As soon as the dough floats to the top, it has to be turned and

flipped until it bloats.

Fry until brown.